MSNZ Resources

MSNZ Information Resources

Living Well with MS Information Pack – Full pack including booklet and leaflets

Living Well with MS – Booklet

What is MS? – Leaflet

Preparing for your neurologist appt – MSNZ – Info Sheet

MS Diagnosis Card – Wallet Card

MSNZ Facts about MS – Leaflet

My MS Superhero Activity Book – A5

My MS Superhero Activity Book – A4

My MS Superhero Colouring-in Sheets

MSNZ Information Series Publication

MSNZ KIP Publication



MSNZ Information Series Publication

Beginners Guide to Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis and Fatigue

Multiple Sclerosis and Your Emotions

Multiple Sclerosis and Your Bladder and Bowel

Multiple Sclerosis and Visual Problems

Multiple Sclerosis and Spasticity

Multiple Sclerosis and Sexuality and Intimacy

Multiple Sclerosis and Speech and Swallowing

Multiple Sclerosis and Pain

Multiple Sclerosis and Changes to Thinking and Memory




MSNZ KIP Publication

This is a free at-home educational series for people newly diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, their families and support network.

Knowledge is Power was first developed in the USA and was written by highly regarded professionals who know about MS and the effect it can have on your life and the lives of those around you. The programme has been reviewed and adapted by MS Australia and MSNZ has reviewed it for New Zealand.

Being newly diagnosed with a condition like MS can be difficult and stressful time for all those affected.  You, your family, friends and colleagues may know very little about the disease, or may know enough to be overwhelmed and frightened by this new development in your life.  There is a lot of information to take in.

Knowledge is Power makes it easy for you to learn about MS and how it can affect your life and the lives of those around you.  We have divided the information into 10 easy-to-read parts.

The series provides up-to-date facts about many aspects of MS and is designed to give you information about how to deal with one of the greatest challenges that MS presents-the unpredictability and uncertainty of what might happen in the future.

Knowledge is Power will be distributed by your regional society and covers:

  • Dealing with your diagnosis
  • Disclosing your diagnosis
  • Managing your MS
  • Disease modifying drugs for MS
  • Working with your doctor
  • The impact of MS on your family
  • Maximising your employment options
  • Building and maintaining intimate
  • Parenting issues for people with MS

How do I sign up for Knowledge is Power?

Download pdf form for Knowledge is Power.

Contact your Regional Society

Or email us with KIP registration in the subject line to:

Please state the following in your email:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Postal Address
  • Postcode
  • Email
  • Telephone
  • Fax
  • Mobile

Also state as appropriate:

  • I was diagnosed with MS…….months/yrs ago
  • My partner/family member has MS
  • I am a caregiver for a person with MS
  • I am a doctor/health professional
  • Other………













Tips for life with MS

Inspiration to succeed


Reading material to assist those affected by MS

Glossary of MS Terms

Glossary of MS Terms
