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Educational lectures on the future of MS available now

December 7, 2017 | Research, Treatments, Uncategorised

As part of Multiple Sclerosis NZ’s 50th Anniversary, in October we held a lecture evening on the future of MS treatments.

To watch lectures from two prominent speakers in their field, click on the lecture titles below:

Stem Cell Transplantation for MS – Dr Riccardo Saccardi
With growing evidence to support the role that Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (HSCT) can play in treating MS and increasing numbers of New Zealanders going abroad for treatment, Dr Riccardo Saccardi discusses how this treatment benefits people with MS and who research shows would respond well.

Treating to target and prevent disability in MS – Associate Professor Tomas Kalincik
Addressing the importance of early diagnosis and treatment as being crucial for limiting and managing the often irreversible, progressive deterioration that people with MS experience. Associate Professor Tomas Kalincik, of Melbourne University, discusses the role that treatments can play in targeting and preventing disability and the future of these.