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Support Crew – The new way to offer help to friends and family.

December 15, 2021 | Aids, Support, Uncategorised

Support Crew is a free online support platform that easily co-ordinates meals and support for family and friends in need. When dealing with a life event, we struggle to ask for help and our friends don’t know how to help. […]

New text service to support the deaf and hard of hearing communities to access the Covid vaccine

November 30, 2021 | Covid-19

Efforts to support disabled peoples’ vaccinations go from strength-to-strength with the launch of a new text service, Minister for Disability Issues Carmel Sepuloni announced today. The service is run by Whakarongorau Aotearoa on behalf of the Ministry of Health and is in response to feedback […]

Disability Funded Carer Support

August 18, 2021 | Funding

The Ministry have announced two changes to Disability Funded Carer Support. From the 1st August 2021 the Carer Support Subsidy increases from $76 per day to $80 per day. This should have been automatically applied. Carers Support will move online […]

2021 Community Support Worker – Training Review

July 5, 2021 | Education, Event, Support, Training

Multiple Sclerosis NZ (MSNZ) was proud to once again host the annual meeting for 23 MS Community Support Workers from across the country. With our 2020 training disrupted by the pandemic, and after a year in which many of our […]

Countdown Priority Assistance

April 8, 2020 | Support

Priority booking for Countdown supermarket delivery has been set up to benefit people who have health issues that make it dangerous for them to go to the supermarket for essential supplies. Please ONLY use this service if you absolutely need […]