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MS Voice Newsletter – April 2024

May 1, 2024 | Education, Grants, Life with MS, MS Voice, News, Scholarships

Welcome to the April edition of MS Voice, your source for the latest updates, information and inspiring stories from Multiple Sclerosis New Zealand. Bangers to Bluff 2024 reached it’s final destination on Saturday 20th April, with all crew present and […]

I Will Not Let MS Stand in the Way of My Dreams

April 2, 2024 | Life with MS, Scholarships, Study

We are proud to introduce you to Ashley, one of our 2024 Dorothy L Newman Scholarship recipients. With the support of this scholarship, Ashley will be studying towards a Bachelor of Arts (Education) at Massey University. Good luck Ashley, we […]

MS Voice Newsletter – March 2024

March 28, 2024 | Event, MS Voice, News, Newsletter, Scholarships, Survey, Uncategorised

Welcome to the March edition of MS Voice – it’s a real banger 😉🚗. We are excited and gearing up for the Bangers to Bluff Car Rally next month!! In this edition we introduce you to all the amazing people […]

MS Voice Newsletter – October 2023

October 31, 2023 | Advocacy, Awards, Carer, Carers, Education, Funding, Grants, MS Voice, Newsletter, Petition, Scholarships, Training

Welcome to our October 2023 edition of MS Voice. Spring has sprung…….although it seems we are flip flopping between seasons at the moment with this changeable weather! For today, however, you can spring into the October edition of MS Voice, […]

Katy’s Southern Alps climb

August 8, 2022 | Funding, Grants, Life with MS, Scholarships

Last year I was the successful recipient of the Mastering Mountains Grant for people with FND and MS. My objective was to climb a 3,000m peak the Southern Alps. When I first submitted my application for the Grant I had […]