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Second State of Caring Survey Out Now

March 27, 2024 | Advocacy, Carer, Life with MS, Petition, Survey

In 2020-21 more than 1,600 family carers completed the first State of Caring survey. The Carers Alliance are repeating this survey every two years to understand how family carers are doing: their wellbeing, what help they get, what help they […]

Why remote working is perfect for people with disabilities

January 31, 2024 | Aids, Carer, Carers, Life with MS, Support

Since the Covid-19 pandemic shifted the goalposts in the world of work, more people are realising the benefits of remote and hybrid setups. On top of the added flexibility that naturally comes with home working, many professionals have noted higher […]

MS Voice Newsletter – November 2023

December 5, 2023 | Carer, Carers, Event, Life with MS, MS Voice, Newsletter, Petition, Support, Treatments, Webinar

Welcome to our November 2023 edition of MS Voice. This month we introduce you to our new banger, invite you to our bladder and bowel health webinar and provide you with up-to-date research and development, amongst other exciting updates. View […]

MS Voice Newsletter – October 2023

October 31, 2023 | Advocacy, Awards, Carer, Carers, Education, Funding, Grants, MS Voice, Newsletter, Petition, Scholarships, Training

Welcome to our October 2023 edition of MS Voice. Spring has sprung…….although it seems we are flip flopping between seasons at the moment with this changeable weather! For today, however, you can spring into the October edition of MS Voice, […]

2023 Election – Carers Alliance Briefing

August 14, 2023 | Advocacy, Carer, Petition

Carers NZ have published their Election Briefing asking Politicians and their parties how they will care for NZ’s one million plus family, whānau, and aiga carers. Download a copy here: Carers Election Briefing 2023 Final