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Dorothy Newman Scholarship keeping people in employment

May 9, 2019 | Life with MS, Scholarships

Many people with MS experience difficulties managing work with their MS, particularly at times of relapse or as their condition progresses. For many, simple changes in the work place, changes to symptom management or treatments might be all that is needed to assist someone to continue with their careers. For others however, the demands of their job coupled with their MS symptoms make remaining in their current employment difficult or impossible.

At MSNZ we want to help people with MS stay in paid employment for as long as possible. Continuing to work and providing for yourself and your family greatly improves quality of life, well-being, gives a sense of purpose, strength and independence. The Dorothy L Newman Scholarships help financially support people with MS who need to retrain in order to upskill or change careers. The Scholarship aims to help keep people in paid employment for as long as possible.

Applications are now open till 30th June. Guidelines and application forms can be found on our Scholarships, Grants and Awards page.

Past 2018 participants Christine, Kristan and Tiffany share their stories about what led them to apply for the Dorothy L Newman Scholarship and how it has been of benefit to them and their lives.



“I had heard about the Dorothy Newman Scholarship during 35 years of living with MS and reading how others had benefited. My loving Field worker in Auckland had been encouraging me for a while to take this opportunity. However, I was hesitant in applying, thinking that my MS story was not that important when hearing other peoples.

Relapsing-remitting episodes during young adult life to now, had meant that my passion for teaching was challenged and unmet. Working careers had moved into various roles of admin, family, parenting and recently ‘unqualified’ relieving in preschool childcare. I was very aware of my depth of life skills and experience, yet I did not have a recognised qualification, which was needed if I wanted to improve areas of work prospects and finances.

In 2017 I enrolled on a Counselling degree course at Laidlaw College, as it became clear that it was community and families that my passion was for, and this area of work fitted well with some niggling MS issues that were noticeable again.

During the 2nd year of study, I applied for this Scholarship. It was humbling to receive the Scholarship that has been paid towards my final year, helping to keep my student loan manageable.

Receiving this Scholarship has meant a lot personally, with my family laughing with me as I said this was a “great benefit to life with MS”.

I would encourage anyone to step out and take any possible opportunities. I am currently working my placement in a local Intermediate School as a Counsellor. Keep walking and talking about the challenges that are involved with living successfully with MS.”



“I applied due to continued health issues which looked like imminently ending my job at the time. I still had employable years ahead of me and could create self-employment if new skills were developed.

In order to start my Freelance Business, I required additional learning to add to my Administration skillset. The grant enabled that learning to occur.

Due to the nature of Freelance being niche I chose a course from a well known freelancer in the field that I was hoping to go into. I have completed the course in freelancing and gained much from it.

My future plans are to complete the Web Design course that I was also working on and once that is complete I will set up a design business to assist me with an income..

I am so grateful to the Dorothy L Newman scholarship for several things. They made applying simple to achieve, they were also willing to look outside the box and enabled my obtaining a course, that by nature is unconventional, but the only way to learn the skills I was requiring to learn. Thank you so much team, really appreciated.”



‘I was diagnosed with RRMS in November 2016. After a good few years of putting my health first, the opportunity arose for me to apply for the Dorothy L Newman Scholarship. I saw this as a chance to put some balance back into my life and look towards the future.

I was awarded the scholarship in 2018, I then went on to complete a 6-month Certificate in Medical Reception, online through The Career Academy. I chose this course as I had previously completed a Certificate in Office Management & Administration with The Career Academy and I saw a future for myself in these areas.

It was great for my wellbeing to be able to put what energy I did have, into studying and being able to do something I felt was productive. I was able to pass all my modules competently and I passed my course with very encouraging comments from the tutors.

Now, that I have completed my certificate I am looking towards future opportunities and finding a workplace that I fit into and will work well for me and my MS.

I am incredibly thankful to MSNZ for awarding me with the Dorothy L Newman Scholarship to help me towards a brighter future for myself.”