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Countdown Priority Assistance

April 8, 2020 | Support

Priority booking for Countdown supermarket delivery has been set up to benefit people who have health issues that make it dangerous for them to go to the supermarket for essential supplies.

Please ONLY use this service if you absolutely need to – leave the reserved delivery slots open for other New Zealanders who can’t leave their homes during this challenging time.

Countdown supermarkets have been very busy these past few weeks and there has been a high demand for their online shopping service.

Register for Countdown online Shopping at

Complete this form:

Enter the code MSNZ in the field where it asks for a Super Gold Card number so they know they are a member of your organisation and we can work to filter them through the process as quickly as possible. If you have a Super Gold Card you can enter that number too, after the code.

Once your application has been processed you will receive an email to confirm that you have been accepted into the Priority Assistance group.

What this will mean is that when you shop online you will see dedicated delivery time slots on the Countdown Online Shopping website that others can’t see subject to availability.  These delivery times will be reserved for use by Countdown Priority Assistance customers. There aren’t many time slots at the moment due to heavy demand but they are working to grow capacity and there should be more availability over the next week or so.

Priority Assistance customers will still be subject to the same limits as other online shoppers and everything else about the service will remain the same, as it is for other shoppers.  All deliveries will be Contactless which means Countdowns drivers will just place the groceries on the doorstep, knock on the door and go. They will also send you a text message to let you know your groceries have arrived.

For more information see Countdowns COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions or have ask Olive, Countdowns Virtual Assistant, that will pop up to chat on the website.  You can find Olive at

If you need help with the Priority Assistance application process please call the dedicated number 0800 477 655  or email  If you need help with anything else you can call their Customer Care team on 0800 40 40 40 but please note that they are very busy and the wait times can be quite long so please only call if it is absolutely essential.