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Calling all people with Secondary Progressive MS

July 26, 2022 | Life with MS, Progressive, Research

Multiple Sclerosis NZ is currently in the process of providing information to Pharmac regarding the high unmet need of those with Secondary Progressive MS. A new treatment, Siponimod (Mayzent), is currently under review and due to be assessed by PTAC in August. Siponimod has been shown to have benefits for those with Secondary Progressive MS.

In order to provide a comprehensive response we want to share the words and experiences of New Zealanders living with MS. We want to share what life is like with Secondary Progressive MS for you and your whanau. We also want to help them further understand the impact of poor access to treatment and what access would mean to you. And there is no better way to tell them than through the words of those with lived experience.

Please help us get YOUR voice heard by sharing your thoughts and story today.

The following survey has 6 key questions followed by 6 quick administrative questions. We have a tight deadline so are asking for responses by this Friday 29th July.

All questions are optional.

Thank you