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MS Get a Head Start – Online Research Study

June 4, 2024 | Research, Study, Survey, Trials

MS Get a Head Start are looking for people living with multiple sclerosis to take part in a 6-week online exercise and education programme, as part of a research study with AUT. The good news is that you can complete the programme in the comfort of your own home, on days and times that suit you.

If you can access the internet, walk unaided and are able to take part in exercises which need you to get on and off the floor, we would like to invite you to consider taking part in the study. If you decide to join the study you will receive 6 weeks of MS-specific exercises and six educational sessions, designed to help you manage your MS better.

For more information, please download this: Advertising flyer for MS Get a Head Start online research study

Please read this Participant information sheet before applying.