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Media Release: “Relief” over Pharmac Decision to Fund First-Ever Treatment for Debilitating Form of Multiple Sclerosis

September 4, 2023 | Advocacy, Media, Progressive, Treatments

A seven year battle on behalf of hundreds of people living with the most debilitating form of Multiple Sclerosis has been won – with Pharmac agreeing to fund Aotearoa New Zealand’s first ever treatment for the disease variant  from October […]

Vaccine breakthrough offers hope against EBV for Multiple Sclerosis

August 14, 2023 | Media

Noting that this research is still in it’s early stages, we will be following the work from the team at Queensland’s QIMR Berghofer with interest as the research and development progress. A cutting-edge vaccine candidate developed by QIMR Berghofer has […]

Pharmacists: A Crucial Team Player in the MS Puzzle

July 3, 2023 | Media, Uncategorised

Read our article in this months edition of Pharmacy Guild, describing just how important Pharmacists are in managing the comorbidities of MS.

MS in the News: Funded treatment for primary progressive multiple sclerosis

June 26, 2023 | Media, Progressive

Te Pātaka Whaioranga – Pharmac has started a consultation today for widening access for two treatments; ocrelizumab (branded as Ocrevus) as the first funded treatment for primary progressive multiple sclerosis, and emicizumab (branded as Hemlibra) for the treatment of all […]

‘Exhaustion and dread’ : Desperate carer calls for change

June 26, 2023 | Advocacy, Carer, Carers, Life with MS, Media, Petition, Progressive, Uncategorised

Speaking in support of the Carers Alliance petition, Maxine Hall, a carer for her husband with Multiple Sclerosis, speaks of her struggles and hopes that this campaign will at least raise awareness. View original article on Otago Daily Times: […]