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Strangest MS symptoms from head to toe

December 21, 2022 | Life with MS, MS Voice, Support, Symptoms

Extreme fatigue, clumsiness, weird prickly sensations, sluggish thinking, wonky vision are classic and common first symptoms of multiple sclerosis, or MS. But the expected stops here. Damage to the central nervous system, aka your brain and spinal cord, is what […]

New text service to support the deaf and hard of hearing communities to access the Covid vaccine

November 30, 2021 | Covid-19

Efforts to support disabled peoples’ vaccinations go from strength-to-strength with the launch of a new text service, Minister for Disability Issues Carmel Sepuloni announced today. The service is run by Whakarongorau Aotearoa on behalf of the Ministry of Health and is in response to feedback […]