April 9, 2021 | Advocacy, Life with MS, Treatments
At the November 2020 meeting of PHARMAC’s Pharmacology and Therapeutics Advisory Committee (PTAC) further information was reviewed to support the application for funding of Ocrelizumab for Primary Progressive MS.
At this meeting PTAC recommended listing with low priority and have requested further advice from the Neurological Subcommittee and the Multiple Sclerosis Treatments Advisory Committee (MSTAC).
MSNZ is pleased to see acknowledgement that there is supporting evidence for the use of Ocrelizumab for those with PPMS and recognising the high unmet health need. However, there is still substantial work to be done to progress the recommendation higher up the priority list.
The minutes have recently been published here (see P10) https://pharmac.govt.nz/assets/ptac-record-2020-11.pdf
See our latest Media Release calling for the funding of Ocrelizumab for PPMS here: https://www.msnz.org.nz/personal-bangers-to-bluff-crusade-to-keep-ms-patients-wheelchair-free/
Extract from PTAC November 2020 Minutes referring to the recommendation for ocrelizumab use in PPMS:
MSNZ are also continuing to advocate to PTAC and PHARMAC to review the use of the 2010 McDonald criteria, recommending this be replaced by the internationally accepted 2017 McDonald criteria. Accepting this change will enable earlier access to treatment, improving treatment effectiveness and better long-term health outcomes for patients. Further recommendations and information was reviewed in the February 2021 meeting and we expect to hear more in the next few months.
MSNZ will endeavour to provide updates as these become available.