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Join the World MS Day conversations

May 27, 2020 | Event, Life with MS

As a member of the MS International Federation (MSIF), MSNZ is proud to be involved with World MS Day which is officially marked on 30 May each year.

World MS Day is the only global awareness raising campaign for Multiple Sclerosis. Every year, the MS movement comes together to provide the public with information about Multiple Sclerosis and how it affects the lives of more than two million people around the world.

The theme for World MS Day 2020 is ‘MS Connections’ and is all about building community connections, self-connection and connections to quality care. The theme challenges social barriers that leave people affected by Multiple Sclerosis feeling lonely and socially isolated and is an opportunity to advocate for better services, celebrate support networks and champion self-care.

In support of the World MS Day #MSConnections campaign, MSNZ spoke with three New Zealanders with Multiple Sclerosis to hear about their experiences on some challenges that this theme approaches.


The stigmas that surround Multiple Sclerosis can leave people affected by MS feeling lonely and isolated. How do you manage this?


Each persons Multiple Sclerosis is different, what do you do to live healthily with MS and how do you look after yourself?


Community support is really important, how do you stay connected in your community?


Keep an eye out for posts on our Facebook page giving you the opportunity to continue these conversations, sharing experiences and knowledge connecting with our communities.

We would like to say a big thank you to our amazing interviewees Annie McManis, Sam Baxter and Sam Smith for taking the time to speak with us and for sharing their personal experiences and also to the MS International Federation for the partial funding of this project.